henry Badeloe
Henry Badeloe


Ik heb Surinaamse roots en woon en werk als sinds 1998 als fotograaf in het mooie Leiden.

Mijn vader gaf mij als kleine jongen een mooi advies dat mij altijd is bijgebleven: help mensen. Help elkaar, dan komt het goed. Deze levensles vormt nog altijd de basis van mijn werk als fotograaf. Want in feite is dat wat ik doe: ik help mensen aan mooie beelden en blijvende herinneringen. Zo maak ik mensen blij.

Al van jongs af aan ben ik bezig met fotografie. Op mijn twaalfde zag ik voor een eerst een foto tot ontwikkeling komen in een donkere kamer: wauw, ik vond het geweldig! Toen ik zestien was, kreeg ik mijn eerste professionele fotocamera. Dit raakte mij diep in mijn hart. Vanaf dat moment wist ik wat mijn levensmissie was: mensen met unieke beelden een tastbare herinnering geven. Dat is nu meer dan 40 jaar geleden.

Zullen wij eerst kennismaken?

+316 54 62 61 97 Mobiel


How to Plan Your Wedding after Lockdown?

How to Plan Your Wedding after Lockdown? 8 Helpful Tips

Like all other things, marriages have also been affected during this pandemic.

How to Plan Your Wedding after Lockdown?

The wedding ceremonies in many countries have been put on hold during the lockdown. However, some countries are allowing events with minimal gatherings provided that the management follows all SOPs suggested by World Health Organization.

Couples all over the globe have been quarantined at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of them have postponed their summer or spring weddings and plan to tie the knots with their soulmates right after this lockdown.

Are you one of those? Are you planning to get married as soon as this lockdown ends? Probably yes. You might have reached here searching for the methods on how you can get married after this lockdown.

8 Tips to Plan Your Wedding Post Lockdown

Listed below are some best tips on planning your marriage after this lockdown situation.

1.   Get Organized

Planning a wedding is a full-fledged task and takes a lot more time than expected. The first thing you need to do before planning your wedding is getting organized, especially if you are stuck with too much stuff at home.

Spare some time and prepare your wedding planning list, which includes creating checklists, researching suppliers, creating spreadsheets, designating roles for specific members of your family.

2.   Prepare Your Wedding Budget

Setting the wedding budget is extremely crucial because all your plans and preparations will significantly depend on it. So, count down on your savings and analyze how much you can spend on your wedding. Be realistic while planning your budget. Don’t overdo things. Make sure that you plan your wedding within a range of what you can spend.

3.   Go for Shopping

Create a checklist of what you need for your wedding. The requirements will be entirely different for the bride and groom. Once you have prepared a list of the things you need, start shopping for the stuff.

During this pandemic, the best option is to shop online instead of visiting the market physically. This way, you will minimize the chances of getting affected by the virus. However, if you have to visit the market, make sure that you follow SOPs prescribed by WHO, i.e., wearing a face mask and maintaining a 6ft distance from other people.

Also, avoid visiting again and again and try to get all your stuff in one go so that you can stay safe. You buy great wedding dress at this address in The Hague: https://www.bruidspaleis.nl

4.   Plan Your Makeup

Brides will have to visit the parlors necessarily so that they can enhance their beauty. However, during the lockdown situation, many beauty salons will be closed. In addition to that, visiting the beauty salons is risky during this pandemic. So, what to do?

The best option is to be your own beautician. You can find plenty of tutorials online on makeup, hair styling, bridal makeup, and much more. Instead of hiring a professional for your big day and risking yourself, you can get ready on your own by taking guidance from online tutorials and IG influencers.

This technique will enhance your safety and make you look prettier on your wedding day. In addition to that, doing your make up on your own will make you skillful and boost your confidence. This skill may turn out to be handy in the future.

Yes you can marry during te Lockdown!

5.   Check on the SOPs

Even if you marry after the lockdown, the government will have a proper check on the SOPs. You will have to follow specific set rules set by your government. The general SOPs might be the same; however, the rules and regulations may vary for different locations.

General SOPs will include

  • Wearing a face mask
  • Maintaining safe distance
  • Avoiding handshakes
  • Inviting a limited number of guests

Regarding inviting the guests, you must prepare a checklist of people you are inviting and whom you will be skipping because your local government will not allow more than a specific number of guests. So, while making other arrangements for your big day, bear in mind that you have to take extra care of following the SOPS so that you can enjoy your big day without any inconvenience caused.

6.   Book a Wedding Venue

With so many wedding being postponed during this pandemic, there are quite probable chances that you might experience difficulty in booking the wedding venue of your choice. A lot more people might be searching for the same wedding venue at one time.

So, you should conduct some research before time and book the venue for your big day. Otherwise, you may experience difficulty in booking the wedding venue of your choice.

7.   Get in Touch with Newly Married Couples

Experience has no match. When getting married, couples commit a lot of mistakes. So, the best idea is to learn from their mistakes instead of committing them again. Sit with freshly married couples and learn from their experiences.

They will guide you on what precautions you should take, especially during this pandemic, and how to plan your wedding cost-effectively.

8.   Hire a Professional Photographer

The best way to save your wedding memories is through high-quality photographs. You can hire a professional photographer to save your memories and refresh them later. While hiring a photographer, make sure to choose the one with whom you are comfortable. Don’t rush.

Consider different options and choose the one who is skillful in his field. Otherwise, you will end up ruining your day.

Concluding Remarks

Getting married during this pandemic isn’t easy. It involves a lot more risks and can potentially cause harm to the lives of the guests. If you are engaged and are planning to get married post lockdown, follow the instructions discussed above. That’s how you can make your big day extraordinary and memorable.

While planning your wedding event, make sure that you pay full attention to the SOPs and are not risking your life. Your health should be your top priority because you can only enjoy your big day once you are physically fit and healthy.  

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