Ik heb Surinaamse roots en woon en werk als sinds 1998 als fotograaf in het mooie Leiden.
Mijn vader gaf mij als kleine jongen een mooi advies dat mij altijd is bijgebleven: help mensen. Help elkaar, dan komt het goed. Deze levensles vormt nog altijd de basis van mijn werk als fotograaf. Want in feite is dat wat ik doe: ik help mensen aan mooie beelden en blijvende herinneringen. Zo maak ik mensen blij.
Al van jongs af aan ben ik bezig met fotografie. Op mijn twaalfde zag ik voor een eerst een foto tot ontwikkeling komen in een donkere kamer: wauw, ik vond het geweldig! Toen ik zestien was, kreeg ik mijn eerste professionele fotocamera. Dit raakte mij diep in mijn hart. Vanaf dat moment wist ik wat mijn levensmissie was: mensen met unieke beelden een tastbare herinnering geven. Dat is nu meer dan 40 jaar geleden.
Zullen wij eerst kennismaken?
+316 54 62 61 97 Mobiel
Sissy en Simon
Our testimonials.
Henry Badeloe was our wedding photographer and we liked very well. The day was quite full: photo session, wedding and party in the evening. The whole day was the photographer was there. With the photoshoot, we are well supervised for beautiful pictures, and the rest of the day actually given very freely where the photos were taken.
It’s not just anyone who is with us all day! But he also knew not too be. Too present Henry knows right moments take the beautiful pictures. We have Henry as a professional, committed, creative, attention to detail and above all a welcoming experience man with a great sense of humor. Here we are very pleased.
Shalini en Akshay
Henry is a very professional photographer with a huge passion for his profession. You can see his passion reflected in his work. He is very creative and makes sure that you look great on the photos.
Henry is very helpful and make you feel comfortable where needed.
We are very happy that he photographed our weddingday!
The result is beautiful and by looking at his photos we enjoy our day over and over again.
We definitely recommend Henry’s Photodesign.
Manon en Ashley
Henry was our photographer at the wedding and we could not have wished for better.
In the morning we did a shoot in the park. The photos of this shoot have become beautiful. Much nicer than we expected. Sometimes we lost Henry, but we found him behind a bush, from where he shot beautiful pictures. He is a very creative photographer.
After this shoot we went to the location, where Henry has put all our guests in the picture. These have become beautiful photographs.
Again, Henry showed that he is a very creative and professional photographer. He is super fun with children and that produces very nice images. If you have Henry as a photographer, you are sure that you will get a day full of humor. After the wedding, we were sent photos as soon as possible. Henry helped us a lot in finding the wedding books. These have also become really beautiful.
Henry is a super professional, creative and enthusiastic photographer. We definitely recommend Henry to everyone.
Anu Damveld en Stefan Dommers
We are very pleased about Henry’s Photodesign. It was nice to work with henry as our wedding photographer..
We look back positively on the flexibility and professionalism of Henry Badeloe. Henry has done his job accoording our agreements. (times, schedules, ceremony etc.)
Throughout the day by his many pictures and we are thrilled with the great result!
We will also recommend Henry to our friends and family!
Free free to contact Henry Badeloe
Janine en Rakesh
“We were lucky with the weather and everyone was excited. We were married in Museum De Cruquius in Hoofddorp. It was really important for us to have a relaxed atmosphere on this day and we’re so glad to report that we succeeded.
The photographers were with us from the beginning to the end and they managed to capture every moment wonderfully. They really utilized their creative talents because these photos have turned out stunningly. When we look at them now, it is as if we are reliving that day all over again. The key moments during the evening were also well-covered.
From the beginning to the end, our contact with Henry was just great. He really tries to find ways to accommodate your wishes and welcomes any ideas you may have.
Henry is always in the right place at the right time and he is well-prepared and clearly knows what he’s doing. In short, ‘Marrying with Henry’ for us means: enthusiastic, friendly contact, a good price and super beautiful photos!”
Arzoo Hamdam
A fantastic phtotshoot with photographer Henry Badeloe.
I wish to pose more for my hobby until Henry asked me to pose for him for the photoshoot on location.
I really enjoyed tom work with Henry and felt really comfortable. I was also allowed to do a photoshoot for an Indian clothes store.
Henry did this shoot for this company.
He is a top photographer.
Photoshoot of Sariesma
Henry is a professional, creative and well-behaved. In the beginning of the photo shoot I was somewhat nervous and insecure, knew these feelings and turned Henry and his assistant into a nice pleasant atmosphere.
The result with Henry’s creativity may well be there.
Henry’s Photodesign is definitely recommended!
Sariesma from Nunspeet
Princess Charity Indian Beauty Queen 2017 the Netherlands
Princess Congeniality Indian Beauty Queen 2017 the Netherlands
Mrs. India Worldewide 2017 the Netherlands
Mrs. India Worldwide 2017 Beaut
Mandy en Ferry
“Our pre-wedding shoot last week Sunday was super fun. It’s really nice to practice your poses in advance and get used to being in front of the camera, especially for our 2-year old son, who will now know what to expect on the actual wedding day. The three of us really had a great time and we can’t wait for the real wedding pictures to be taken on June 6th. I can sincerely recommend Henry: he is a super nice guy and he definitely has a way with children.”